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downloads | hydrogen solutions

find information about our company, products and solutions

brochure hydrogen solutions

download our company brochure with focus on solutions for hydrogen applications. our experts are available to support your projects with in-depth know how, bases on decades of experience and engineering competence. we offer consulting, engineering as a service and creation of detailed specifications all the way to inverters or full power supply solutions.

Whitepaper | electrolyzers to support the electrical grid

krecotec's whitepaper to address the capabilities of an active frontend IGBT based inverter, to power supply an electrolyzer application and support the electrical grid.



Flyer | advanced power electronics

As hydrogen becomes increasingly vital in combatingclimate change, the demand for hydrogen productionthrough electrolysis is expected to rise significantly.This growing demand will place substantialadditional loads on power grids. â€‹â€‹

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